Parents Information Hub

Hi I am Eris and here is something interesting about me...

Hi! I’m Eris, and I’m an Early Years Apprentice working on my Level 3 qualification within the Poppins Day Nursery Setting and learning about the values of play and theories of development during my practice is something that I have been thoroughly enjoying so far. 


As a practitioner, I feel it is important to share a bit about me. I have a formal Autism Diagnosis that I received during the beginning of 2023 and I am currently being assessed for ADHD. I have always learnt through experience, which makes learning through play something that I find incredibly important to incorporate through my interactions with the children. I find that having a passion in the things I do excites the children and fills them with a want to learn. I do however sometimes find the way I communicate can come across to be rather blunt and straight to the point at times when I am communicating, especially in an unfamiliar situation. This is something I am working through, so that I can have positive interactions with you, and share with you information about your child's day. 


During my own childhood, there were many times where my needs as an undiagnosed neurodivergent child were not met and were even neglected. This led to delays in my development that could have otherwise been avoided, especially within my social development. As a practitioner, these experiences have pushed me to be the best I possibly can when it comes to providing opportunities to children to better their experiences and enforce their development.  


When choosing which path to go into, I originally chose to pursue an Art and Design course, but I found that while I loved being allowed to create, that it was overall unfulfilling, and that I wanted to spend my time helping people, something that I had been pursuing for a long while with first aid courses that I had been doing for around four years before a personal experience left me unable to do so through that chosen path. I have always loved interacting and spending time with younger children, even when being the youngest in my immediate family. I spent family reunions playing with my younger cousins, and I spent time on the playground with the younger children, and beginning my apprenticeship at Poppins helped me realise my passion for doing so. 


I feel that as both a practitioner and an individual with negative experiences within early years settings, it’s important to share my experiences with you to show my perspective as a practitioner with support needs of my own, and how I will use my own experiences to push my practice to be the best it can possibly be. I adore my chosen career path, and helping support children through their early year's development is incredibly important to me. 

Lance Tredell