Parents Information Hub

No boundaries - transient Art

Transient art is simply, art without glue. A none permanent form of artistic expression using objects.

Transient art can be large scale or small scale, practiced solo or as a group collaboration. It is completely child-led with no boundaries, offering multiple outcomes allowing learning as individual as the creator.

Found objects, and natural resources, or ‘loose parts’ as you may have heard them referred to, lend themselves beautifully to transient art; they allow children further learning opportunities from a sensory perspective along with aiding children in constructing further learning pathways to build on prior knowledge. Which also gives us as practitioners ample opportunities to find those child-led teachable moments and extend thinking.

The benefits do not stop there, transient art can be very therapeutic. A mindful, calming and relaxing activity that requires concentration, delicate touch and patience. Children can become very engrossed and loose themselves in their own thoughts and feelings whilst completing their pieces.

Below are some of the beautiful creations that have been made this week in our pre-school room.

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