Parents Information Hub

Joining Generations

At Poppins we are very passionate about reaching out to our community and supporting our children with the skills to build positive relationships and be skilful communicators.

After learning about new research into the positive effects of intergenerational relationships we knew we had to get involved! The benefits for both the children and the elderly residents are clear to see. The children’s interactions have a positive effect on the elderly residents mental health and memory. Whilst the children gain special relationships, building their self confidence and communication skills; whilst also supporting their developing sense of self, belonging and community.

We are very lucky to be working with a truly magical and heart warming organisation, ‘Intergenerational Debutots’. Intergenerational Debutots are joining generations through imagination, songs and stories. Every fortnight our Pre-School children take a walk to our local care home where they spend time with the residents and participate in the interactive workshops on offer. Our children and staff love these visits. Observing the children’s growing relationships is truly heart warming.

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